Our Why
We believe that Beyond Financial Planning is having a well rounded Total WEALTH plan that is a living document that is routinely reviewed.
We believe in providing advice that will prepare your heirs for generations to come.
We have heard so many stories and even seen first-hand, people who have worked hard to change their family’s destiny only to lose it within two generations.
We help you protect the legacy you have worked hard to build.
Our goal is to make it so you don’t leave a terrible mess for your families to clean up during one of the most difficult times in their lives, the loss of a loved one.
“We get up every morning with a singular focus, to help families create, protect, and keep multi-generational wealth.” – Greg Hardy CFP®, AEP®
Following the Total WEALTH Process, we will go Beyond normal financial planning to help you and your family:
Become more organized and deliberate
Communicate your wishes while everyone is still alive
Explain your life’s journey and your “Why” watch Sinek’s Start with Why
Pass on more than your assets
Protect your wealth from probate
700 Mall Drive, Ste. C
Portage, MI 49024